fredag 18. november 2011


  • En gutt står på en scene og ser nervøs ut, foran en sal og publikum er ikke til stede. 
  • Bildet er er tatt i fra  fugleperspektiv og i totalt utsnitt. 
  • Grunnen til at bilde er på langs er for å skape en kontrast mellom formatet og motivet, og personens indre uro. Uroen i personen gjenspeiles av de vertikale linjene, i form av seteradene. 
  • bildets mørke farger og salens dempede lys symboliserer personens frykt for omgivelsene.  
  • Det symboliserer at folk er redd for å vise seg fram for andre, fordi de ikke er fornøyd med seg selv.
  • Det at salen er tom symboliserer at personen kan være nervøs ved seg selv, og ikke bare blant andre folk.
  • Personens tomhet gjenspeiles av salens tomhet. 

onsdag 16. november 2011

Task given in class

·         What is the difference between looting and rioting?
·         - Looting is a consequence of rioting. When people loots, they are stealing from private stores and so on. And i think rioting includes more distruction of buildnings and more agression 
·         Define the underlined (blue) words and phrases. Also note down other words you find difficult, and find out what they mean.
  • ·         -sosial exlusion: someone that is excluded from the rest of the community
  •        - disregard social norms: don’t care about social norms, what other people expects from you. Like a rebel who just think about himself
  •       -High unemployment: a lot of people without work 

  •       - criminologist: a person who do research  in criminal actions

  • ·         - opportunism: to do something when you have the opportunity while taking selfish advantage

  • ·         - lack of intervention:  lack of someone taking action.    

  • ·         - consumerism:  todays consumtion has increased, and consumerism is an era that we are in now. People are buying and throwing away things all the time.

  • ·         -catalyst of unrest: an important factor for riots  

·         Could this happen in Trondheim? In Oslo? Why/why not?
·         I think this could have happened in Oslo and Trondheim, but just not that huge. I think bigger groups of people can get angry, and do things like this. For some couple of years ago this actually happened I Trondheim. People looted things from stores, and there were riots.  The reason that this not happens such often, is that in Norway people can get help from the government if they really need.
·         What can this say about the social conditions in England? How may this be connected to the traditional class system?
·         That there are a lot of people that don’t feel like the government taking care about them. And this is among other things because of people’s bad economy within the workers class. I think it’s hard for the people that are in the workers class to “improve” to the middle class or the upper class, because they are struggling to pay for their kids’ education, and therefore a lot of people stay poor. And when it’s not goes peoples way they want to blame someone, and often it’s the governments “fault”