Native, spiritual, afraid and naive
Son of Old Sitting Bull
born on Christmas eve
Who loves hamburgers, cars and rain
He feels fear, anger and pain
Needs peace, family and friends
Fears cops, demons and people that pretends
He gives shit and doesn’t bother of who he hits
no matter if it’s a carpet of fleece, geese or a filthy police.
Wishes to see the raindrops fall, the crops to grow and the grains to show.
Conditions are bad, a lack of food and he’s in a bad mood.
Sticky Stubble
Jesper, Erik & Espen
onsdag 2. mai 2012
torsdag 12. april 2012
I think you wanted us to see this episode because it tells us about how judgemental some people could be. It is a very big problem that white people judge dark-skinned and muslims, before they even know anything about them. And in this episode of the 30Rock, the lady is very judgemental to her neighbour. She thought he was planning a terror attack, when he was doing something totally different.
Yes, because people like to watch things inkluding humor, and therefore they will get to know what the topic is all about. Someone would probably think it's offending that humor is being used, because terrorism is such a touching theme.
People pay attention to what they think it's funny, therefore it's a good way to approach sensitive topics by using humor.
I think you wanted us to see this episode because it tells us about how judgemental some people could be. It is a very big problem that white people judge dark-skinned and muslims, before they even know anything about them. And in this episode of the 30Rock, the lady is very judgemental to her neighbour. She thought he was planning a terror attack, when he was doing something totally different.
Yes, because people like to watch things inkluding humor, and therefore they will get to know what the topic is all about. Someone would probably think it's offending that humor is being used, because terrorism is such a touching theme.
People pay attention to what they think it's funny, therefore it's a good way to approach sensitive topics by using humor.
søndag 11. mars 2012
Oppgave A) augeblikk 1
- Endeleg var skolen ferdig, det var tid for å vende nasen heim. Dagen hadde vært uthaldeleg lang, stappa full med prøvar og anna drit og no skulle eg heim, heim til den mjuke, gode senga mi. Heim til ein plass kor eg kan vere for meg sjølv utan ein einaste lyd frå nokon andre. Drøymesituasjon. Eg traska bortover den alt for lange vegen bort til buss nummer 14, og satt meg ned på benken på haldeplassen. Eg måtte ikkje vente lenge før bussen var der, heldigvis var den tom, i alle fall nesten tom. Den einaste som var der var ein stussleg bohem, som satt i det fremste setet. Eg gjekk som vanleg til min faste plass på den tredje bakarste rad. Det var heilt stille rundt meg, kunn ein tynn lyd frå radioen. Det var Finn Bjelke med «20 spørsmål» som speltes. Introduksjonsmelodien hjelpte meg til å heve humøret mitt nokre små hakk, men vegen var fortsatt lang. Etter tre haldeplasser skjedde det som mest sannsynleg er den verst tenkelege situasjonen ein kan oppleve på ein buss. Inn på bussen kom to stykk divaer, av den eldre sorten. Nei og nei tenkte eg. Det høyrdes ut som om dei hadde åte bokstavkjeks, som var på vei opp igjen. Dei kakla som sytti høner på ein gong, «non stop». Det var som om eg blei skutt med ein maskinkanon av ord. Divaene plasserte seg med dei veltrimma pelskåpene på raden rett bak meg, forbanna helvetesmakt, tenkte eg. Det einaste eg trengte var stillheit, stillheit, men det var ikkje aktuelt. Etter å ha blitt prata hål i hovudet, og stemmene deira var godt fastbrent på hjernehinna, kom redningspakken dalande ned til meg. Eg fann eit gamalt headset, som eg hadde i frå førre chartertur til Rhodos. Det var ikkje optimalt, men det stengde ut nokre av frekvensane. Livet var tilbake der det skulle vere, kunn to haldeplassar til, så var eg heime. «Arhhh, livet».
DEL 2:
Oppgåve B)
«Kristian er veldig interessert i musikk»
Når Kristian set seg ned sengekanten, drar fram gitaren, og klimprar i veg, da er han i sitt ess. Det beste han veit er når han stenger ut omverda, og setter i gang med «Stairway to heaven». Han startar med tommelen, fortsette med pekefingere, deretter langefingeren og avsluttar med ringefingeren, før han slår ein rytmisk lyd på strengane. Ingen andre har den same interessa for musikk som Kristian, det finst nesten ikkje eit instrument han ikkje har prøvd å tralle på.
«Pizzaen smakte godt»
Rykande, saftig, tykk, amerikansk, bacon, skinke. Pizzaen var som ein helsing frå gud, kokken måtte ha vært ein engel. Det smakte så godt at eg fekk klump i halsen. Stemninga rundt var som ein oase av roser og myke kaninar. Dama satt i hjørnet spelte på pianoet mens ho song «Chariot», i ein rolig og strippa verson. Aldri før har eg smakt ein så fantastisk pizza, det skal vere sikkert og visst. Hit skal eg komma minst ein gong i veka.
forsiktig start
For Edvard og Andrea, var det slett ingen enkel sak å få barn, men det var deira høgste ønskje. Legane meinte dette var noko som låg i genane, og at det ikkje var ein enkel sak å få til. Dei hadde lenge vurdert surrogatforeldre i utlandet, men hadde konkludert med at dette ikkje var den rette løysinga for dei. Edvard hadde snakka om å adoptere, men dette var noko Andrea ikkje ville, så dei var like langt med å skaffe seg unge.
onsdag 7. mars 2012
Last words
"Let my son know I love him":
Because it is really sad that a boy who hasn’t done anything have to let go of his father/mother. I think the person felt that he/she had let his son down, and was sorry that he/she couldn’t take care of him anymore
Death penalty, pros and cons:
- -Make people scared of commit crimes
- -Give someone that has done something terrible, a big penalty
- -Get rid of people that is going to sit in prison for lifetime
- -Innocent people may get killed
- -Not the right way to solve the problem. We shouldn’t murder someone for a murder that has been committed
tirsdag 28. februar 2012
tirsdag 14. februar 2012
My favorite sport moment
My favorite sports moment happened this weekend. I went with family and friends to England to see Manchester united play against Liverpool. This was something I had been looking forward to since November last year, and finally it was happening. I had good expectations because I think Man. United is a better team than Liverpool, and they were the home team.
When we arrived Old Trafford, the stadium, we went to the Giant store to buy Manchester’s suit, which was a great moment. It was 2 hours until the match was going to start, and we went in to the stadium to eat dinner. Now it was time for match, 74844 people had gathered to see this magnificent game of football. I think almost everyone was singing. In the picture below you can see the Liverpool fans in the middle of the police. They were about 2500 people and are famous for being very loud, they fulfilled. It was actually so loud at the stadium that I got chills all over my back and arms. Englishmen have a very good grandstands-culture. They support their team no matter what.
onsdag 8. februar 2012
What I liked/disliked about the curious dog in the night time
What I like the most in this book is how Christopher develops throughout the book, whether he was going to find out who killed Wellington or not, which is leading to his mother. It was a very touching moment when he found out that his mother was still alive. I enjoyed reading about a boy with Asperger syndrome, because I didn’t know that much about that syndrome. And After reading the book I’ve got a clearer view about how a boy with Asperger syndrome would handle different situations, how he would act and the way he look at the world. For me, who haven’t read that many books it was an easy language to follow, and I liked that the book wasn’t very long. That the book is written in a first person narrative that makes it more emotional, and it sets a deeper pressure to the one who is reading.

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