fredag 18. november 2011
onsdag 16. november 2011
Task given in class
· What is the difference between looting and rioting?
· - Looting is a consequence of rioting. When people loots, they are stealing from private stores and so on. And i think rioting includes more distruction of buildnings and more agression
· Define the underlined (blue) words and phrases. Also note down other words you find difficult, and find out what they mean.
- · -sosial exlusion: someone that is excluded from the rest of the community
- - disregard social norms: don’t care about social norms, what other people expects from you. Like a rebel who just think about himself
- -High unemployment: a lot of people without work
- - criminologist: a person who do research in criminal actions
- · - opportunism: to do something when you have the opportunity while taking selfish advantage
- · - lack of intervention: lack of someone taking action.
- · - consumerism: todays consumtion has increased, and consumerism is an era that we are in now. People are buying and throwing away things all the time.
- · -catalyst of unrest: an important factor for riots
· Could this happen in Trondheim? In Oslo? Why/why not?
· I think this could have happened in Oslo and Trondheim, but just not that huge. I think bigger groups of people can get angry, and do things like this. For some couple of years ago this actually happened I Trondheim. People looted things from stores, and there were riots. The reason that this not happens such often, is that in Norway people can get help from the government if they really need.
· What can this say about the social conditions in England? How may this be connected to the traditional class system?
· That there are a lot of people that don’t feel like the government taking care about them. And this is among other things because of people’s bad economy within the workers class. I think it’s hard for the people that are in the workers class to “improve” to the middle class or the upper class, because they are struggling to pay for their kids’ education, and therefore a lot of people stay poor. And when it’s not goes peoples way they want to blame someone, and often it’s the governments “fault”
søndag 23. oktober 2011
The fear
DAY 3:
Yesterday was priceless, I start laughing if I just think about it. This day has also been great. Early this morning I took a bus just outside of Sidney, to see a crocodile show. Crocodiles have been one of my biggest fears since I was kid, and it still hasn’t changed. The spectators sat in a tiny “amphitheater”, watched “professionals” feeding them, and so on. Because I sat on the first row, I was picked as a “voluntary” to help them. I couldn’t say anything than yes, because I wanted to be a tough guy. One of the “professionals” gave me a piece of meat, reminded me of an entrecote, to feed the crocodile with. I threw the piece of meat to one of the crocodiles. “puuuuh”, finally it was over. And then they gave me another challenge. They told me to pet the crocodile. “NO WAY” I said. The crowd started to clap their hands, first slow, then faster and faster. I said to myself “okay, let’s do it”. I started walk slowly towards the crocodile. That is the last thing I remember, I fainted.
I woke up by a woman slapped my face with her hand. “Are you awake?” she said. She told me that I fainted. Because the “professionals” felt that they were pushing me to do things they paid me a cab, to get back to the hotel. The rest of the day I was taking it easy in the pool at the hotel.
Scary day.
i don't have any more paper, so i'll write to you as soon is i get some! - picture
Yesterday was priceless, I start laughing if I just think about it. This day has also been great. Early this morning I took a bus just outside of Sidney, to see a crocodile show. Crocodiles have been one of my biggest fears since I was kid, and it still hasn’t changed. The spectators sat in a tiny “amphitheater”, watched “professionals” feeding them, and so on. Because I sat on the first row, I was picked as a “voluntary” to help them. I couldn’t say anything than yes, because I wanted to be a tough guy. One of the “professionals” gave me a piece of meat, reminded me of an entrecote, to feed the crocodile with. I threw the piece of meat to one of the crocodiles. “puuuuh”, finally it was over. And then they gave me another challenge. They told me to pet the crocodile. “NO WAY” I said. The crowd started to clap their hands, first slow, then faster and faster. I said to myself “okay, let’s do it”. I started walk slowly towards the crocodile. That is the last thing I remember, I fainted.
I woke up by a woman slapped my face with her hand. “Are you awake?” she said. She told me that I fainted. Because the “professionals” felt that they were pushing me to do things they paid me a cab, to get back to the hotel. The rest of the day I was taking it easy in the pool at the hotel.
Scary day.
i don't have any more paper, so i'll write to you as soon is i get some! - picture
Opera can be though!
DAY 2:
«la la lalalaaaalaalaa». I did as the women at the airplane told me; today I have been to the most famous opera house in the world “Sidney Opera House”. I can’t believe how architects can be that creative. The opera house was finished in 1973, and was constructed by the danish architect Jørn Utzon. Did you know that the opera house is on the UNESCO heritage list? The opera house got a capasity for 5738 people. The construction of the opera house was a fantastic view. I didn’t get to see a real performing, but I saw people that were practicing for a concert. The acoustic was amazing, the best I’ve ever heard.
I have always had a big dream about standing on a big stage and sing, today I tried. During the guided tour backstage, I did something I probably shouldn’t have done. I ran on stage, took a microphone and sang out loud “Tiiiiiiime toooooo saaaaay gooooood byyyyyyye”. A guard ran towards me, and threw himself over me. Probably the last time I get to visit the opera, but it was definitely worth it.
I had to stay the rest of that day at the police station. I didn’t get any ticket because the police-officer thought that this was one of the funniest stories he had heard of.
Tomorrow I’ve decided to visit a place where I can see crocodiles and I’m looking forward to it!
«la la lalalaaaalaalaa». I did as the women at the airplane told me; today I have been to the most famous opera house in the world “Sidney Opera House”. I can’t believe how architects can be that creative. The opera house was finished in 1973, and was constructed by the danish architect Jørn Utzon. Did you know that the opera house is on the UNESCO heritage list? The opera house got a capasity for 5738 people. The construction of the opera house was a fantastic view. I didn’t get to see a real performing, but I saw people that were practicing for a concert. The acoustic was amazing, the best I’ve ever heard.
I have always had a big dream about standing on a big stage and sing, today I tried. During the guided tour backstage, I did something I probably shouldn’t have done. I ran on stage, took a microphone and sang out loud “Tiiiiiiime toooooo saaaaay gooooood byyyyyyye”. A guard ran towards me, and threw himself over me. Probably the last time I get to visit the opera, but it was definitely worth it.
I had to stay the rest of that day at the police station. I didn’t get any ticket because the police-officer thought that this was one of the funniest stories he had heard of.
Tomorrow I’ve decided to visit a place where I can see crocodiles and I’m looking forward to it!
"The land down under"
It’s finally happening! I will arrive Australia in a couple of hours, and I am really looking forward to it. During the flight I sat next to an Australian woman. And I have asked her a lot of questions about places to visit during my stay, and different facts. She told me that I have to visit the Opera in Sidney, a game of rugby and a crocodile adventure center. I didn’t know where to go, so getting some tips from the kind woman was perfect. I also asked her some questions about their flag, why the flag is like it is. she told me that the blue came from truth, loyalty and justice, the white color came from peace and honesty, and the white color stands for hardiness, bravery and strength. The seven stars represents the federation of the 7 colonies in 1901. And she told me "in the upper left corner, you can see the flag of britain, and that is because Australia is a part of the common wealth of nations." During my stay i hope to visit a game of rugby, because this is number one famous sport in Australia. And because Rugby is a very big part of Australian culture.
“Welcome to Sydney. Here are some short facts about this city: it has a population about 4,6 million people, the average temperature of sydney is 21,7 degres celcius. the unemployment rate is on 5%. some famous buildnings is the Sydney town hall, The Queen Victoria Building, Parliament House, and the Australian Museum.we hope you have had a nice travel with Air Australia”, I heard from the loudspeakers. Finally I was there. Buying a stereotypic Australian hat was the first thing I did when I arrived the airport. Like the “crocodile dundee”.

The time was 9:00 pm and i had to find a place to rest for the night. I decided to take a cab in to the centrum, to check in at a hotel.
Now I am lying here, writing in my bed. I think I have to go to sleep, because tomorrow early I am going to the opera!
Speak to you later…
torsdag 6. oktober 2011
Blood Diamond
blood diamond was a brilliant movie. It describes the living conditions for the people of Sierra Leone on a fantastic way. One of the best actors was the one who played Salomon Wandy, he was a really good rolemodel for his son Dia Wandy, because he never gave him up!
lørdag 1. oktober 2011
Stadig flere og flere kaster plastflasker i restavfall i stedet for å pante, eller kildesortere. Problemet er at brennes, og når plast brennes, skader det miljøet. Dette er en negativ trend som virkelig har slått til siste årene, og det må stoppes nå!
Han skrudde opp plastkorken, løftet flasken rolig opp mot munnen, helte i seg vannet, helt til «bunnslammen» passerte drøvelen. Deretter skrudde han på plastkorken og kastet flasken i en voldsom fart mot søppelbøtten. Han bommet, gikk bort til der flasken lå, plukket den opp og kom over et dilemma; to søppelbøtter. «Restavfallbøtta» var halvfull og «plastbøtta» var tom. Så dermed gjorde Alfred som alle andre, og kastet plastflaska i restavfall.
fredag 23. september 2011
Tegn på dårlig kommunikasjon i "Få meg på, for faen"
Et dårlig tegn på kommunikasjon i filmen "få meg på, for faen" er når Alma rekker fingeren til nabodamen. Det er en veldig dårlig form for kommunikasjon og gjøre slik. Den som ikke kan uttrykke seg med vanlige ord, er en dårlig kommuniserer.
det som er viktig når du skal argumentere for noe er å:
- skaffe deg, evt. å ha god bakgrunnsinformasjon
- snakke med en ro og overbevisning
- passe på at du ikke bruker støtende ord
- ikke angripe de du snakker med, men kom fram med din mening
- før du begynner å argumentere, kan det være lurt å høre hva de andre har å si og mener, deretter kan du begynne din argumentasjonsrekke. Dette vil føre til at du har tenkt godt igjennom det de andre har sagt, og da har du en god start for å argumentere.
- skaffe deg, evt. å ha god bakgrunnsinformasjon
- snakke med en ro og overbevisning
- passe på at du ikke bruker støtende ord
- ikke angripe de du snakker med, men kom fram med din mening
- før du begynner å argumentere, kan det være lurt å høre hva de andre har å si og mener, deretter kan du begynne din argumentasjonsrekke. Dette vil føre til at du har tenkt godt igjennom det de andre har sagt, og da har du en god start for å argumentere.
torsdag 22. september 2011
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