It’s finally happening! I will arrive Australia in a couple of hours, and I am really looking forward to it. During the flight I sat next to an Australian woman. And I have asked her a lot of questions about places to visit during my stay, and different facts. She told me that I have to visit the Opera in Sidney, a game of rugby and a crocodile adventure center. I didn’t know where to go, so getting some tips from the kind woman was perfect. I also asked her some questions about their flag, why the flag is like it is. she told me that the blue came from truth, loyalty and justice, the white color came from peace and honesty, and the white color stands for hardiness, bravery and strength. The seven stars represents the federation of the 7 colonies in 1901. And she told me "in the upper left corner, you can see the flag of britain, and that is because Australia is a part of the common wealth of nations." During my stay i hope to visit a game of rugby, because this is number one famous sport in Australia. And because Rugby is a very big part of Australian culture.
“Welcome to Sydney. Here are some short facts about this city: it has a population about 4,6 million people, the average temperature of sydney is 21,7 degres celcius. the unemployment rate is on 5%. some famous buildnings is the Sydney town hall, The Queen Victoria Building, Parliament House, and the Australian Museum.we hope you have had a nice travel with Air Australia”, I heard from the loudspeakers. Finally I was there. Buying a stereotypic Australian hat was the first thing I did when I arrived the airport. Like the “crocodile dundee”.

The time was 9:00 pm and i had to find a place to rest for the night. I decided to take a cab in to the centrum, to check in at a hotel.
Now I am lying here, writing in my bed. I think I have to go to sleep, because tomorrow early I am going to the opera!
Speak to you later…
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